Saturday, October 31, 2009

Missing my Brother

My oldest brother Daniel, who is seven years my senior, is currently deployed in Iraq. He is almost finished with his tour and has less than a month left in Iraq. I got to see him for a weekend over the summer when he had his leave and got married. Anyway, I've really been missing him lately. He'll be home for Christmas and I really can't wait. But what I really want to do is go camping with him in the Daniel Boone National Forest in eastern Kentucky. Me and my brothers love to camp, and it is my personal opinion that the more natural the more enjoyable the camping experience is. So I prefer a tent and campfire over camper and stove. I'm not quite as extreme as just walking into the woods with a knife and surviving but I do prefer to try and use the land instead of just being on it. I really can't wait to go camping with my brother, because he always shows me how to do something and teaches me a new survival skill. It's also just great to sit around the campfire and talk with my brothers. Anyway I can't wait until he gets home and we get a chance to go camping.

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