Friday, May 21, 2010

KCCT - the true story

No. 2 pencils in hand we headed into combat. Question here! Question there! We were completely surrounded by the enemy and there was no way to escape. On we pushed taking out the enemy as we went along. The casualties were high and the hope was low, but we never gave up. We continued in our fight and despite all odds we were winning. The end was swiftly appraoching and it was looking like we were going to come out on top. That's exactly when it happened. The enemy, in desperation, unleased their most formadible weapon: the Open Response. Against the Open Response we were defenseless. The only thing we could hope for is that we could hold it off long enough for the enemy to run out of supplies and retreat. The battle was brutal and ugly but they finally ran out of ammunition and we overran them. Victory was sweet after a whole four days of entrenched combat. Maybe we can learn from our mistakes and no one will have to endure what we have had to endure. Maybe the world will learn to live in peace and then people won't turn to things like the KCCT to express their anger and frustration.

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