Monday, November 30, 2009

Story time

Once upon a time, there was a boy, and this boy liked this girl, but the girl was the daughter of the Knight and the boy was a lowly serf who cleaned the stalls of the Knight. "Yeah what girl is going to want a manure shoveling twerp like you?" said Billy, the boy with a goatee. "She'd love me if she knew me, but I'll never meet her in her." said the boy. It was at this point that the Knight pulled into the stall in his cherry red Lamborgini Diablo. "If you get that crap on this I'll have you drawn and quartered" said the Knight in so thick a Scottish brogue that it truelly sounded like this, "Ih ugit thah craap un tis ah'll ave ew drahn un qortehd." The Knight stared deeply into the boy's eyes and then leapt in the air and flew out of the room. The boy continued to shovel manure. Then he heard a sound. The girl came in and walked over to the Lamborgini. "I wouldn't touch that if I was you" said the boy. "Oh, I'll do alot more than just touch it!" replied the girl. She got in the car but then got right back out. "What's wrong?" asked the boy. "I can't drive stick!" exclaimed the girl. "I can." replied the boy. So she gave him the keys and they speed out of the stable. The Knight saw this and ordered the drawbridge to be brought up, but this time in a Jamacain accent. "It's closing!" said the girl. So the boy floored it and ramped the bridge. The camera cut to three different views of the car flying through the air in slo-mo then landing on the ground with a shower of sparks. The boy stopped the car and got out, but now in a leather jacket and blue jeans with some really cool shades on. The Knight said that mimed that if he ever saw him again he would hang him by his nose. The boy jumped back in the car and sped into the sunset. Oh yeah his name was Billy Joe and her name was Bobbie Sue.

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