Saturday, January 30, 2010

Even a book is no judge, part 4

I had become used to this new owner's interest in me. He sat all day and read. He even missed meals just to discover more. But at last he had finally reached the last page, the last paragraph, the last sentence, and the last word. When he reached the last period he paused for a moment and carefully closed my cover. The air stood still as I awaited his next action. At this point I was used to being passed on or even tossed out and I was sure that this man would do no different. He ran his finger along my golden title once again and then he stood up and walked towards a trash can. He stopped at the can and looked down at me. I dared to look down in the filth that awaited me. I was shocked when I heard the crash of the wine bottle that had been in his pocket fall into the trash can. He then placed me in his pocket again and walked away from the trash can. That week he was hired and started saving money. He soon got an appartment. He carried me everyday to work in his pocket until one day he bought a book self. He placed me on the shelf. I was the only book on the shelf for a while. Eventually others came, but none received the attention that I had. Finally I had a owner who not only appreciated me but cherished me as well. Where I had amazed others I had impacted this man. In some ways being given away and then thrown away was the best things that ever happened to me.

Even a book is no judge, part 3

Once I emerged from the depths of the man's pocket I was greated by fresh air. I welcomed the refreshing morning air and looked around as the man gazed at my cover with wonder, feeling the gold letters on my leather cover. I saw the sun rising, the birds in the trees building nests, and the gruff face of the man starring in amazement at me. I creaked at him in protest as he opened me up. I wondered what he thought he could accomplish by this as he would never be privy to my secrets. He ran his finger across my title as he slowly read it. I was astonished that he was literate, I really was. He continued to the next page and read that. It took him a while but he was determined. He worked his way through me page by page finally finishing the first chapter. I still was repulsed by him but he was an improvement upon the last man to possess me as he actually held me as being of importance. I wasn't in a fine study of a magnificent house and then morning dew was beginning to wrinkle my pages but at least I was adorred again. I found some peace in this crude dwelling.

Even a book is no judge, part 2

I was placed on a new shelf. In a study with no windows. There was more dust than air in this room and the musk was so strong that it seemed to penetrate down to the ink on my pages. Fat fingers fumbled through my pages. This man read much too quickly, glancing over many key points in many ideas. He was a clumsy man. He dropped me multiple times and tore many of my pages as he would turn them in haste. I spent what seemed like a month in this prison, but because I had no windows I have no idea how long it really was. It had to be about a week. I was soon writen off as mediocre by this ogre of a man. He knew much fewer than he presented to others. He often offended where my former master wondered. He soon put me down for another volume, not even finishing all of my content. This was a very impatient man who didn't know what he was missing. He finally had enough of me and discarded me on the side of the road. I was truly grateful for my fate as I felt that nothing could compare to the torture that I had endured in that man' s presence. Later that night I was once again plucked from my resting place. My final resting place was desicrated by a man that smelled of liquer and seemed to very needing of cleansing. I cringed as he placed me in one of his grimy pockets and walked on into the fog.

Even a book is no judge, part 1

There I sat, on the self. Other books around me were covered in a blanket of dust, but not me. I was pulled and push back and forth off and on the shelf. My owner would leaf through my pages even into the early hours of the morning. I was a volume of particular interest, I held theories and ideas so profound that my master would often put me down and pick me right back up to re-read something. He would invited friends over and discuss and debate my views. My words enthralled him. My maker had crafted me with such care and wit that it mesmerized many people. Colorful adjectives and strong adverbs portrayed plights and disasters of all kinds.
One day I was plucked from my dwelling on the shelf. I had been basking in the sunshine from the setting sun pouring in from the west window of the study. I was rent from this tranqulity and shoved in unfamiliar hands. My master said things of me being a wonderful book and that the man holding me would enjoy me very much. I could not believe it. I was given away. At one moment I graced the shelves of a brilliant man, and then I was handed off like a batton. I gasped in astonishment as I was pulled through the doorway and as my former master put a new book in my place.

Fun on a one 4-wheeler open sled

Well the snow came latter than expected. This meant that I had to take two tests that I would have liked to have another weekend to prepare for, but you take what you get and you make the most of it. So anyway we some pretty good snow, about half a foot in some places. My friend Ethan invited me over to his Grandmother's house to go sledding. I got ready and another one of my friends came over, then the three of us went over to his Grandma's property. We had some trouble getting the 4-wheeler going but after awhile we got it going and we were off. We drove around alittle and then we tied a rope to the back of the 4-wheeler and pulled each other around on one of the two sleds we had with us. We all three took turns driving, riding on the back, and riding on the sled. We rode around all of the corn fields going back and forth across the snow. We even made a snow ramp and drove over it, never landing quite perfectly. We rode around for a few hours and then his Grandmother made us hot chocolate when we got back. It was a very enjoyable day in the snow.

As a Dog

As a dog I have had to discover the secrets to living life. As a dog you must follow what you desire the most. Don't waste your time with the kid that is going to pull your ears and tail if there is a cat to chase. The long days of summer are full of the many squirrels to chase, the frisbees and tennis balls to catch, and the windy drives through the country-side make sure you don't get too distracted to give up what you care for the most. Help the people you love, on walks I try to help my master along by pulling him and giving him plenty of excercise as he tries to keep up. Let loose and live alittle, chase your tail, lick your butt, whatever floats your boat. Just make sure you bark at the people who actually aggrivated you in the first place and to growl at the people who are trying to harm the ones you love.

Mr. Trademark, Mr. Copyright, Mr. Patent Number, Mr. Woolley

This was no mere mortal. None other had the knowledge of the classes and fillums of worms that he had. Noone perpetually possessed such a mug, umbrella, and hand bag. Sweat stains and cigerattes adorned every one of his 1,000,000 blue denim shirts. He peddelled discount cards at such an alarming rate that one man mistaked them for hot cakes and attempted to eat one. He always took at least two pictures on each setting of his camera to make sure that he had an acceptable photo to send to the newspaper. He kept meticulous statitics on every right and wrong answer of every match. He always made sure we knew when we were wrong. He was a champion of trivia. A master of knowledge. He was, and is, Mr. John Woolley.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Winter is a wonderful time. Within winter are such joyous occasions as Christmas and New Years. Without times like these our years would not be as festive. Weather plays an inportant role in winter, providing ice and snow. Where you are determines how much winter weather you will get. Wondering if it is truly wintery outside you may want to go outside. Wandering outside can solve this mistery. Whether you like winter or not it is a part of the year and can not be avoided, unless you hibernate. Without this aide you may find yourself "suffering" through the cold of winter.Why do some people hate winter? Why would you ask me such a thing? Why would I possess the answer to such a silly question? Why would I even care? What implications are there that I would care? Who told you these things? Was it Walter?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Expectations for the New Year

I have been considering this new year, and I have acually made a new years resolution. I am usually opposed to them because they are usually such flimsy goals that are rarely met. But I decided that I would do some quick excercises every morning whenever I wake up. Nothing too bad, just push ups and sit ups, as many as I can do at once. It doesn't take me five minutes and It's just a little something to help make me stronger. It also helps wake me up in the mornings. I hope to continue this resolution on well into the year if not to the end. Besides that I have not really set any specific goals for this next year. I truely just plan on taking the year a day at a time and worring about things as they come along. I am going to try to keep from getting too stressed this year. I will try to manage my time better and possibly cut some things out so that I can make more time for the things that I truely love. I am ready and excited for this year and all it will bring.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Past Year

As I look back at the past year, I think of all the good and the bad that I experienced. I think of sending my brother off to Iraq, and spending Christmas with him when he returned. I think of my first kiss and all the other good times I've had with my first girlfriend. I think of finally going to an amusement park and finally riding a roller coaster with Jacob Merimee. I think of working with Jacob at his dad's business over the summer. I think of getting my permit. I think of winning the City County Championship for the second time ever. I think of finally losing my 4.0 GPA. I think of scoring a 28 on my first ACT. I think of the new friends I've made this year, or at least some old ones I've been reaquainted with. I think of my first date and now laugh at it. I think of my stress fracture coming back and ruining my Cross Country season. I think of all these things and many more. The year seemed to fly by and going through it I wasn't a big fan. But in hindsight I would say that 2009 was a rather decent year.