Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Expectations for the New Year

I have been considering this new year, and I have acually made a new years resolution. I am usually opposed to them because they are usually such flimsy goals that are rarely met. But I decided that I would do some quick excercises every morning whenever I wake up. Nothing too bad, just push ups and sit ups, as many as I can do at once. It doesn't take me five minutes and It's just a little something to help make me stronger. It also helps wake me up in the mornings. I hope to continue this resolution on well into the year if not to the end. Besides that I have not really set any specific goals for this next year. I truely just plan on taking the year a day at a time and worring about things as they come along. I am going to try to keep from getting too stressed this year. I will try to manage my time better and possibly cut some things out so that I can make more time for the things that I truely love. I am ready and excited for this year and all it will bring.

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