Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun on a one 4-wheeler open sled

Well the snow came latter than expected. This meant that I had to take two tests that I would have liked to have another weekend to prepare for, but you take what you get and you make the most of it. So anyway we some pretty good snow, about half a foot in some places. My friend Ethan invited me over to his Grandmother's house to go sledding. I got ready and another one of my friends came over, then the three of us went over to his Grandma's property. We had some trouble getting the 4-wheeler going but after awhile we got it going and we were off. We drove around alittle and then we tied a rope to the back of the 4-wheeler and pulled each other around on one of the two sleds we had with us. We all three took turns driving, riding on the back, and riding on the sled. We rode around all of the corn fields going back and forth across the snow. We even made a snow ramp and drove over it, never landing quite perfectly. We rode around for a few hours and then his Grandmother made us hot chocolate when we got back. It was a very enjoyable day in the snow.

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