Thursday, March 18, 2010

The First Time I Drove

I had "driven" before plenty of times before I got my permit. We would go to Panther Creek Park and my Dad would let me steer will he controlled the gas and brake pedals. This isn't REAL driving, but it kinda made REAL driving easier when I got to that point. When I got taller my Dad let me control the gas and brake as well as steer, but still only at Panther Creek and only when the parking lot was empty. When I got my permit I hadn't really driven for real on a street. My Dad took me to the Health Park and let me drive around the parking lot then let me drive home. That was the first time I drove on the streets. I did just fine for my first time. Later I drove to Cross Country practice out at Panther Creek Park, I drove to our meets at Yellow Creek Park and I drove to the Regional competition. Over this last summer I drove for my first time on an interstate highway. We went to my brother's wedding in Virginia and on the way back I got to drive through part of Virginia and into Tennessee. I did fine on that but took an exit ramp too fast and both me and my Dad were mad at each other so I decided not to drive anymore on that trip. I still haven't driven on my own yet, just because I have to pay for my own insurance and I don't have any money. When I get a job I can get insurance and a car and then drive on my own. I am looking forward to this driving first.

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