Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Help nest builders

When I was younger, my mom would take us out into the backyard and cut our hair. She said that it helped the birds because it provided them with nest building materials. So when I saw a robin gathering nest building materials this morning, I had a sort of revelation. I realized that we as people need to help others build their “nests”. We, especially Americans, have so much extra garbage that we never really use. The excess almost always goes to waste, when it really could be serving a greater purpose. We need to give what we can spare to those who are less fortunate. I don’t have much but whenever I don’t need a pair of running shoes I always donate them to Goodwill in the hopes that someone worse off than me can get a decent pair of shoes. Anytime we are in a position to better another person’s life, I think we should take it. You really don’t have to go out of your way, just make things available to them, and like the robin they will come and carry it away to the place that they are trying to build their “nest”.

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