Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Job interview

This previous Tuesday I was interviewed for a part time job at Sears. I really need money for a tux and all the other prom things I’ll need to get within the next month. Then I’ll have to get a car and pay for insurance and gas. I also need money for clothes as I really need some new ones and my parents really can’t afford to buy some for me. So basically, I need money. How do you get money? You work. How do you get work? You get a job, thus the job interview. On Saturday I filled out an application for employment at our local Sears store, part of the application was scheduling for an interview. This struck me as odd as I usually was called back for an interview. Nonetheless I went to Sears Tuesday about ten minutes early and looking fairly good if I do say so myself. I walked up to a cashier and asked where to go and then went to the office. I waited for a while and finally went back out to ask an employee if that was really where I was supposed to be at. He told me that the managers had just walked into the office. So I went back and after a short wait had my interview. It went well, I think, and the manager said that I passed the first interview and would be scheduled for a second one. The second manager would interview me and then they would score me and based on that they would offer me a job or decline my application. So tomorrow I go in for the second interview and I am sure that it will go just as well as the first one did. Maybe this will be my first job.

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