Thursday, September 3, 2009

race shirts

If you have seen me on more than one ocassion then chances are that you have seen me wearing a race shirt. It's just about all I wear, to be honest. Some people don't really understand it, and others just think it's annoying. Well, I really don't care. I don't just wear the shirts because it sets me apart as a runner or because I usually paid good money for them and I want to get my moneys worth out of them. The big thing is that each of my race shirts has a story behind it. For instance, whenever I wear my Owensboro Invitational t-shirt from freshmen year I think of how it was my first 5k. I missed the first 5k of the season because I went to my grandparents 50th anniversary instead. Everyone else thinks about Owensboro High School and wonders why I'm wearing a t-shirt about them. Another instance is my Apollo Invitational t-shirt; when I wear that shirt I think about how I rolled my ankle on my warm-up and didn't think I would be able to race, but did anyway and ran a pr (personal record). My Greater Louisville Classic t-shirt has a bad story behind it. When I wear that one I'm reminded about how horrible of a race I had and that I wanted my parents to take the shirt back because I didn't want to be reminded of how bad I ran. I could go on and on about all the stories behind every race ... or I could just wear the shirts and you can ask me yourself.

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