Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Substitute Teachers

I can't stand substitute teachers. They never know what they are doing and they always have such an attitude. They think that just because they are employed by a school system that they have authority over us. While this may be technically true the problem is that they do not have respect. I can't respect someone who doesn't have a clue what they are doing. I also can't respect someone that has attitude. So basically I can't respect subs.

Now I will admit that there are some cool subs out there. But they are the ones that let you do whatever you want. While these people are cool I still do not respect them.

So what could be done to fix this problem? Well basically nothing, that is unless teachers evolve a super immune system or more likely we just dont have class with out teachers. I like the last part. Get someone to come in and pop in a movie. It always works.


  1. Some subs you can tell how they will be just by looking at them...this one...up-tight, strictly structured

  2. I hate when a sub is stupid but thinks that they are really smart and they think they "catch" you doing something and they get a stupid smerk on their face.
