Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Lie Detector
Same Sex Marriage?
Before I get on the subject of where I stand on the subject I'll mention two points that I believe to be true.
1. Marriage is an institution of the church
2. When any citizen is being considered for any government stipulation age, race, and gender should not be considered.
So here is where I stand based on these two points:
Since marriage is an institution of the church, and their is a separation between the church and state, the government should not issue marriage licences. The government involves itself in a matter of the church and this goes against much of the views and policies that our nation was founded on and has been ruled by. But there is a problem here, states can't just stop issuing marriage licences. There are many factors that depend on the state recognizing a union. So I propose that all state recognized unions be "civil unions" rather than "marriages." In truth I am simply saying that we should change the name.
Don't think it would work? Well consider this, the government should not consider age, race, and/or gender when a citizen is applying for something. Therefore if two citizens apply for a marriage licence, the government should not take into account age(assuming both citizens are adults), race, or gender. So while if a heterosexual couple comes in to get a marriage licence the government should say, "citizen 1 wants to marry citizen 2, OK." Likewise if a homosexual couple comes in the government should again say, "citizen 1wants to marry citizen 2, OK." I don't believe that anyone really has a problem with this. The problem is that many people feel that homosexuals getting MARRIAGE licences destroys the institution of marriage; I agree.
But whats the problem with having state recognized unions between two citizens? I don't see one, as long as it's not connected to the church. So if marriage is removed from the government it can still be between a man and a woman while any two citizens can be protected from discrimination.
I bet you are thinking that this is a menial change that won't do any good. Well maybe, but the thing is that I believe that the government shouldn't be involved in this sort of a problem. Is homosexuality immoral, or just socially unaccepted? That shouldn't be the government's decision, it should be society's. Society doesn't have to play by the rules government does.
Remove marriage from government; never take age (if an adult), race, or gender into account when government is concerned; and let society make the decision on homosexuality.
By the way I am anti-homosexuality but pro-separation of church and state and anti-discrimination, but I see this as the only solution.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Favorite Christmas Decoration
Broke before Christmas
Christmas Eve tradition
While we may spend Christmas at a variety of different locations we always follow a certain Christmas Eve tradition. My mom has family in Oregon, and in Oregon there used to be a place that made cheese, so every Christmas her family would send us cheese. So for Christmas Eve we would have a meal of cheese, crackers, apples and chicken. I can not remember a Christmas Eve that we did not have this meal. The place that made the cheese has closed and so now we go to Wal-Mart and buy cheese there.
This year we will continue the tradition with my brother, his wife, my sister, and her husband. I am looking forward to continuing the tradition and to seeing my siblings and their spouses.
Monday, November 30, 2009
November No More
Let's see what happened in November...Cross Country finished up with the post season in the month of November. It was quite dissapointing but oh well, it was still fun and i guess that that is all that matters.
what else? Oh yeah, Pennyrile Meets are done, yeah I had a dissapointing first year of varsity of Varsity Social Studies. I got as low as 6th place in three test scoreing which is the absolute worst i have placed in the competition.
On a positive note, I played a 12-string for the first time in my life. That was alot of fun. It was at Thanksgiving and it was really fun.
Lets see December is coming up and I'll have Christmas and Finals and I'll get to see my brother as he will be back from Iraq. Good times.
Is anybody there?
Analysis of Story time
I would like to say one more thing. and that is that satire is really fun.
Story time
Christmas Shopping
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Adios October
What will what I am doing right now matter in a year?
What will I be doing in a year?
Missing my Brother
Pumpkin Jam
She hasn't made it every year, but it is a Fall-time memory that I can recall from years past. Whenever my mom makes some, we always give a jar to anybody that will take one. I still haven't heard of anyone trying it and not liking it. I am pretty much always up for a glob of it on toast or a biscut. I even had some this morning. It is really delicious and I love it.
I will always enjoy it and remember my mom making it during the Fall.
Should Marijuana be Legalized?
Cannabis is illegal because of its psychoactive drug THC present in the plant which produces a high. THC is believed to be harmful to users and promote further drug use. Studies have shown this to be untrue. The picture included shows that cannabis is both less harmful and less
The answer is because in the early 20th century the timber industry was able to influence the government to make cannabis illegal. The illegalization of cannabis was of purely economic motives. In light of this, the many practical uses of cannabis, and it being less harmful than alcohol and tobacco, it is my personal belief that cannabis should be legalized as it was before the 1930's and during WWII.
Monday, October 12, 2009
My Right Foot
You see, towards the end of the last Cross Country season, my foot started hurting. My coach and a fellow runner had suspicions that it was a stress fracture. I finished my season and took time off of it. I then ran on it through out track, at first it gave me problems and I would ice and rest it until finally it seemed to go away. So I continued to run on it. Well I finished track and took alittle bit of time off but stayed active as Cross Country requires far more endurance. So I basically got no rest between track and Cross Country for my foot to heal.
Now my foot is worse than it ever has been. I'm running faster and harder on it than ever before and it is taking its toll on my foot. At the City/County meet I ran and afterwards was writhing in pain as I suspect I re-fractured my stress fracture. I have two races left so I really want to finish the season as I have yet to break 20 minutes in a 5K. The problem is that I might break my foot in the process.
Most people do not understand my delima, they believe the decision is an easy one, stop running. But it isn't that simple. For me, running is fun. I get to run. Racing in a Cross Country meet is one of my favorite things to do. So for me to miss out on all the good times on the team and possibly miss meets is a big deal to me. My foot is causing me to miss one of the things I love the most. This is why its breaking my heart.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So long September
and sailor sam
were searching everyone
for rock n' roll on the run
rock n' roll on the run
Ladies and Gentlemen, Nick Miller.
Thank you Nick for that wonderful performance.
A nd now for something completely different...
Well, there goes September '09. It's cooler now that its Fall, Cross Country is in full swing, we just had our second Pennyrile Meet in Academic Team, and we just finished our second month of school. Quite abit has happened this month, and its been about like swimming in an ocean trying to keep up with everything, all work and no place to stop and rest awhile. Soon we'll have fall break and I'll be able to take a rest from junior year, but there is still some swimming in store for me before I reach that log. I'll take any rest I can get, though I'll prolly be working through out fall break catching up in my Latin 3 which I have been neglecting. Besides that I'll prolly run, play guitar, and sleep. I'll basically do everything that I've been wanting to do instead of homework. Before that I'll have to continue plugging along, against the current, and try to stay more focused on school than girls and guitars. But then again, I am a 16 year old boy ... yeah, screw school!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sit awhile and Think
Sometimes I don't want to be alone though. Maybe my problem is that I'm feeling too lonely at the time and I want to talk to someone. Thats usually the time I'll talk to a close friend about something. This is usually good to unload and to get another's opinion on a situation.
Personally, I try to be self-made and fix problems on my own, so I'll usually start out thinking to myself and then if I want someone elses input I'll go to a friend. I really value my time to think very highly.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Substitute Teachers
Now I will admit that there are some cool subs out there. But they are the ones that let you do whatever you want. While these people are cool I still do not respect them.
So what could be done to fix this problem? Well basically nothing, that is unless teachers evolve a super immune system or more likely we just dont have class with out teachers. I like the last part. Get someone to come in and pop in a movie. It always works.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Fighting with Dignity
I think of Cross Country, as usual, when I think of this situation. In a Cross Country race you are fighting two forces: yourself and others. First you must beat yourself, aka the little guy in you saying SLOW DOWN. Once you have conquered him then you can focus on others. To win against them you must break them before they break you. This usually means picking up the pace to something neither of you want to run and pushing and pushing until one of you gives up and slows down.
This is what I think of when I think of fighting with dignity. When you are pushing that other runner and yourself you have two options, you can give up and surrender in the which case you will be failing yourself and your teammates or you can fight with dignity and break the other runner. In races where I have surrendered I am overwhelmed with shame. I feel like a complete failure and I literally hang my head in shame the rest of the day. I can barely look my teammates or coach in the face because I failed them all. When I fight with dignity, however, I am proud of what I have accomplished. That is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
While it is easier to surrender, it is always better to fight and to have your dignity whether you win or not.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Through the Grape Vine
I love grapes and how juicy they are and all. I love how one grape can be very sweet and the next almost sour. I must note that red grapes are much better than green grapes and that I would always choose red grapes over green ones as long as there are red ones to be eaten.
I too love raisins. They are chewy and sweet and just over all very delicous. I really have nothing negative to say about raisins. I love 'em.
Related to this entry would be grape juice and artificial grape flavors. Grape juice is awesome. Artificial grape flavors ... not so much.
Also, I read a statistic that said that the "Grape Vine" is 80% correct. So while some details may be messed up, about 80% of the original message should be true.
And lastly, CCR's Heard It Through the Grape Vine is an amazingly awesome song. just sayin
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Even if you aren't physically with somebody, you can still share a great laugh with them. One friend in particular (cough-marley) and I never fail to have conversations over aim where literally half of the conversation is "lol" or "haha". These conversations are never dull though, sometimes we might actually laugh about laughing so much.
Sometimes at Cross Country practice its like we can't stop laughing. Those are always the best practices. When we are all laughing, we seem to be closer than ever before and anything seems possible.
I also love when you get really tired, like around 3 o'clock, and you just start laughing at everything. That's always really funny, which just makes you laugh more.
Anyway, I really do like to laugh.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
On President Obama's Speech
Thursday, September 3, 2009
race shirts
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I want a Strat!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Desires vs. Dreams
Right now in my life, I'm fighting a battle. I'm fighting myself over what the rest of my life will be like, what I'll do and who'll I'll be. I am considering whether I should pursue my desires or my dreams.
So what is the difference between desires and dreams? I guess the only real difference is that a desire usually tends to be something you would like to happen in the short-term, while a dream is something you would like to happen in the long-term. For instance, you may desire say a candy bar, but you may dream of becoming a pilot. Basically I consider desires to be more of a sensual nature while dreams seem to be more practical. But that doesn't necessarily mean that either is likely, I mean we all have dreamed of growing up and becoming astronauts or firefighters.
But does that mean that either one would make the outcome of your life any better than the other? I guess I'm getting in a real "The Road Not Taken" mode here, but seriously, if the desires are what make you happy then shouldn't you follow them? On the other hand, you wouldn't dream about something if you didn't want that to happen as well.
The real problem is that they are both things that we want to happen, but they are rarely things that can both happen. For instance you can't be a space firefighter because there is no oxygen in space to fuel fires, therefore no need for firefighters. As far as the desires vs. dreams thing goes, eating a candy bar won't keep you from being President, but going to far with somebody or getting involved with some people potentially could ruin your dreams. Its the whole have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too scenario where you want something now, but you also want something later.
This is where I am, on so many levels. Women, for instance; men want to be with women (desire) but we also want to have meaningful relationships (dream). So my options basically are meaningless relationship with well, a whore, or meaningful relationship with a friend. The chances of a middle ground here are quite literally astronomical. Likewise, I may want to become a rockstar or a senator, but I can't expect to live the life of a rockstar and be viewed as a respectable member of society that can be trusted with the laws that govern us.
Ok, so we understand the differences and the problem. So what can be done about it? We are going to do what makes us happy just because otherwise there is no reason to live. But are we going to have our cake, or eat it? In writing this I'm reminded of the story of Icarus. He couldn't practice the moderation needed to fly a safe route, consequently he flew too high towards the sun, fell into the sea, and died. Here, in the battle, I feel that moderation is also the key. Enough desires to keep us happy now, but not enough to destroy our dreams. Hopefully I can find the balance, but for now I’m stuck at the battlelines.
On the Mac
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
as a have-not
Monday, August 24, 2009
Something's in the air.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
related relatives
There are really many ways that I'm like some people in my family, and also many ways that I'm very different from my family. But the ones I am most like would be my sister, my oldest brother, and my grandfather.